Using Technology to Improve Livestock Management


Monitoring Livestock Health Remotely

With livestock farms growing larger in size everyday, it can be difficult for farmers to monitor the health and wellbeing of each individual animal. Opting for a remote livestock monitoring system allows farmers to keep close tabs on their herds from anywhere. Systems utilizing sensors, cameras and other technology can automatically detect issues and alert farmers before problems escalate.

Weight and movement sensors installed in enclosures or on collars can track changes in an animal’s daily habits. Sudden decreases in activity or appetite could indicate the onset of illness. By monitoring weight fluctuations over time, issues like parasitic infections or nutrition deficiencies become easier to identify. Location trackers allow farmers to find missing or stranded animals quicker to provide medical attention or return them safely to the herd.

Thermal cameras installed in barns detect rises in body temperature, one of the early signs of infection or fever. Automated readings taken throughout the day make it simple to detect temperature spikes before visible illness sets in. Combining temperature data with weight and activity levels gives farmers a more complete picture of an animal’s overall health status. Any abnormal changes that could signal developing problems are easy to catch early through remote monitoring.

Ensuring Optimal Wellbeing from Afar

Beyond just health monitoring, remote systems give farmers new insights into herd behavior and welfare. Cameras provide a window into barns and pastures to observe animal interactions and ensure all individuals are treated fairly. Any signs of bullying, injuries or stress behaviors can be identified and addressed before escalating into serious issues.

Data from sensors in enclosures or on collars reveals how space is utilized within living areas. It shows which areas animals actively use and which they tend to avoid. This type of insight helps improve housing design for optimal comfort, exercise and natural behaviors. Adjustments like adding shelves, platforms or barriers can be made to encourage species-appropriate activities.

Sensors also track environmental factors within living spaces like temperature, drafts, ammonia levels and humidity. Ensuring optimal thermal comfort and air quality is vital for livestock wellbeing year-round. Automatic alerts are generated if conditions drift outside preset healthy ranges, enabling timely corrections before animals face heat or cold stress.

Remote monitoring cuts down on unnecessary human disturbance of herds as well. By using technology to observe from a distance, livestock’s daily routines remain undisturbed. This reduces stress related to frequent human contact which can suppress immune function and productivity. The hands-off approach of remote systems supports animal welfare while maintaining economical productivity.

Making Management Easier Through Data Insights

Perhaps one of the greatest boons of modern livestock monitoring systems is the wealth of data collected over time. Longitudinal tracking of weight, temperature, movement and more provides insights into how animals change as they mature or in response to different management techniques. Pattern recognition software analyzes the real-time streaming data for variations that could indicate future issues.

By observing dozens of health and behavior metrics continuously, subtle shifts become identifiable that a human observer may miss during brief barn checks. This degree of detailed recordkeeping means farmers can more accurately determine ideal growing conditions, space allocations, herd dynamics and individual animal care needed. Performance benchmarks are established to gauge response to modifications like new feed rations, enclosure designs or breeding programs with verifiable data.

Records of each animal’s baseline metrics and any deviations are easily accessible should veterinary care be needed down the road. Previous medical issues, response to treatments and susceptibility to problems can be viewed to guide future preventative care decisions. Livestock health summaries effectively replace paper medical charts, streamlining record transferability if animals change ownership or locations.Overall, remote monitoring lifts the burden of constant physical observation while empowering farmers with never before seen insights into herd production and welfare. When paired with trained technicians and veterinarians, the technology takes livestock management to the next level of personalized, data-driven care.


  1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
  2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
