Precision Guided Munitions: The Future of Targeted Strikes


Introduction to Precision Guided Munitions

Precision guided munitions, also known as smart bombs or smart weapons, are guided munitions intended to precisely hit specific targets and minimize unintended damage. They are designed with sensors and guidance mechanisms that allow the weapon to be accurately guided to its intended target. Guidance mechanisms typically include inertial guidance systems, terminal homing guidance systems like laser guidance or GPS/INS.

Types of Precision Guided Munitions

There are several major categories of precision guided munitions:

Laser Guided Bombs

One of the earliest forms of precision guided munitions is laser guided bombs. They use semi-active laser guidance to home in on a laser spot illuminated by an external laser designator. The guidance system senses the laser energy reflected off the target and guides the bomb to ensure it impacts the correct target. Common laser guided bombs include the Paveway series.

GPS/INS Guided Bombs

GPS/INS guided bombs use an integrated GPS and inertial navigation system for terminal guidance. The inertial navigation system provides angular orientation while GPS updates the position and flight path corrections. Examples include the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) series which are retrofit guidance kits that convert unguided bombs into accurate precision weapons.

Electro-Optical/Infrared Seeker

Electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) seekers identify and guide to designated targets using optics and heat imaging. They actively detect thermal signatures, contrast differences or specific visual features of targets without needing an external designator. Modern examples include the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) series.

Radar Homing

Radar homing guided weapons have an active radar seeker that detects the radar emissions from specifically designated radar emitting targets like radars or anti-aircraft systems. Once detected, the seeker guides the weapon directly towards the radar source. Examples are anti-radiation missiles.

Television/Imaging Infrared

More advanced seekers use digital cameras, television or advanced imaging infrared technology to visually recognize designated targets through image recognition algorithms. These provide precision guidance even in adverse weather conditions or without detecting specific thermal/visual signatures.

Accuracy and Effects of Precision Guided Munitions

Compared to unguided gravity bombs, precision guided munitions deliver dramatically improved accuracy by hitting within mere meters of intended targets. Some modern variants can achieve circular errors probable measured in tenths of meters.

This level of accuracy allows militaries to engage high-value targets while minimizing risks posed to surrounding friendly forces and civilians. It reduces the large area bombardment needed with “dumb” bombs to ensure a hit. Fewer weapons are required to achieve the objective.

The precision also permits use of smaller warheads. For example, a single 2000lb laser-guided bomb guided to its target can perform the mission of dozens of unguided bombs blanket bombing an area. This lowers collateral damage risks.

However, precision guidance does not make weapons immune to errors. Munitions can still miss the target or be diverted by environmental factors like weather. Guidance and targeting also rely on human decisions prone to mistakes. So precision guided strikes are not risk-free of unintended harm.

Proliferation and Global Impact

Since their widespread adoption in the 1990s, precision guided munitions have revolutionized modern warfare and strategic targeting approaches. Their use has proliferated globally to air forces worldwide, even for nations with limited aerial warfare capabilities.

Countries use precision munitions as force multipliers that enable engaging targets worldwide while potentially keeping military personnel danger at a greater distance. However, proliferation also enables armed groups and smaller nations to threaten farther targets than before.

The accuracy revolution also means new standards of effectiveness are expected from modern weaponry. Tactics rely heavily on precision strikes for objectives that previously demanded large bombardments. Limited collateral impacts have become paramount political and legal considerations in military operations as well.

In sum, precision guided munitions’ vast improvements in targeting effectiveness have permanently changed expectations and capabilities in aerial warfare. Both militaries and civilian populations worldwide now live with consequences of this revolution in guided technology for conflict and security strategy.



  1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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