Composable Infrastructure

Understanding Composable Infrastructure and its Benefits


What is Composable Infrastructure?

Composable infrastructure is a new approach to building and managing infrastructure that treats hardware as discrete compute, storage, and networking resources that can be assembled and reassembled on demand through simple API calls and automation. With composable infrastructure, resources can be pooled and assigned in real-time based on constantly changing business needs. Resources like CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity can be combined automatically to provision virtual machines, containers, data services and more.

How does it differ from Traditional Infrastructure?

Traditional infrastructure models like converged and hyperconverged infrastructure combine hardware and software into fixed configurations that cannot be easily changed. Resources are locked within predefined appliances and adding capacity requires forklift upgrades of entire systems. With composable infrastructure, all resources are disaggregated and exposed through software-defined APIs. This allows resources to be composed and recomposed on demand into different configurations based on application requirements. It gives infrastructure maximum flexibility to efficiently support diverse and changing workloads.

Benefits of Composable Infrastructure

Increased Agility and Scaling
Composable Infrastructure is highly agile since resources can be pooled and assigned as needed through simple API calls and automation. Workloads can dynamically request and release resources based on demand without waiting for hardware procurement. It allows infinite scale-up and scale-down by drawing on a shared pool of resources.

Optimized Resource Utilization
By pooling all resources and optimally assigning them through automation, composable infrastructure maximizes utilization across the infrastructure estate. Resources are not wasted sitting idle within monolithic appliances. Underutilized capacity in one workload can be instantly reused elsewhere based on real-time needs.

Simplified Operations
A centralized pool of resources that are automatically provisioned and managed results in simpler operations than managing isolated silos of hardware. Maintenance, upgrades and tracking resources becomes easier since infrastructure is fully software-defined and workload-independent. Operations teams spend less time on manual hardware configuration and maintenance.

Lower Costs
Composable infrastructure drives down costs through optimized utilization, simplified operations and flexibility to right-size capacity on demand. Workloads only pay for the exact resources they consume rather than fixed hardware configurations. It eliminates expensive forklift upgrades and over-provisioning of capacity leads to major capital expenditure savings.

Improved Application Agility
By automating resource pooling and provisioning, composable infrastructure supports application agility better than traditional rigid systems. Developers can quickly and easily deploy applications through self-service of pooled infrastructure without involving IT. Applications dynamically configure optimal infrastructure as code based on evolving requirements.

Challenges of Implementing Composable Infrastructure

While composable infrastructure promises great benefits, its implementation also poses some challenges compared to existing models:

– Hardware Disaggregation – Existing integrated appliances need to transition to discrete compute, storage and networking components exposed through software.

– Software-defined Operations – Heavy reliance on software APIs, automation and orchestration requires mature infrastructure management platforms.

– Skills and Expertise – Operations teams need hands-on experience with composable infrastructure concepts and software-defined approaches for successful adoption.

– Interoperability – Ensuring components from different vendors seamlessly work together through standards-based APIs is a challenge.

– Security – Exposing infrastructure programmatically requires robust access controls, encryption and ensuring defences scale with infrastructure.

– Return on Investment – Composable infrastructure requires initial investments that payback through long term benefits of optimization, agility and cost savings.

With the right skills, partners, solutions and architectures in place, composable infrastructure over time delivers unmatched operational efficiencies and flexibility for hybrid IT environments. As technologies mature, it will transform the way next generation infrastructure is built, managed and consumed on-premises as well as in the cloud.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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