Application Security Testing is the largest segment driving the growth of Dynamic Application Security Testing Market


The global Dynamic Application Security Testing Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1.86 Bn or Billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 24% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

Market Overview:
Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is an automated source code analysis that operates as a black box technique to identify security vulnerabilities by simulating real attacks. DAST helps identify security issues early in the development cycle before deployment to reduce risks and costs of remediation.

Market key trends:
One of the major trends in the dynamic application security testing market is the increasing adoption of cloud-based security solutions. Many organizations are shifting their workload and services to public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructure which has increased risks related to security vulnerabilities. Cloud-based DAST tools provide continuous monitoring and automated security checks to detect issues. They help secure application infrastructure deployed on cloud platforms. Other trends include increasing investments in application security by organizations and growing demand for compliance with regulations like GDPR which mandate security of customer data handled by web and mobile applications.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) helps detect vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, reducing security risks and costs of remediation. It enables continuous testing of web applications and APIs throughout the development life cycle.
Weakness: DAST may struggle to test dynamic and complex web applications and APIs. False positives can occur and require additional validation. Initial setup and configuration of DAST tools require technical expertise.
Opportunity: Growing demand for application security among organizations due to increasing security breaches. Regulatory compliances like GDPR is driving greater need for application security testing. Emergence of DevSecOps approach providing opportunities for integrated application security testing.
Threats: Alternative application security testing techniques like manual testing and static application security testing (SAST). Budget constraints may limit investments in application security programs. Lack of skilled application security testing professionals.

Key Takeaways

The global Dynamic Application Security Testing market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 24.% over the forecast period, due to increasing regulatory pressures to strengthen application security. Standards like Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandate periodic vulnerability testing, driving adoption of DAST.

North America is expected to dominate the global DAST market during the forecast period. This is attributed to presence of major DAST vendors and early adoption of application security best practices among organizations in the region. Asia Pacific is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR owing to growing concerns around cyber attacks and data privacy compliance with laws like China’s Cyber Security Law.

Key players operating in the Dynamic Application Security Testing market are WhiteHat Security, Veracode, Synopsys Accenture, IBM Corporation, Micro Focus, Pradeo, Rapid7, Tieto, and Trustwave holdings, Inc. The market is witnessing increased mergers and acquisitions as well as partnerships, as solution providers look to offer comprehensive application security offerings including both DAST and SAST capabilities.